Badger Paddle Socks... for those who dig their gear!
Just new on the market this season, Badger Paddle Socks are causing a buzz this spring. One of the most interesting thing about this product is it's versatile fit for paddles (up to 65" in length). Not only will the sock stretch to fit every Badger Canoe Paddle style available - but it also fits many of the blade styles and widths available from other paddle makers and manufacturers as well! (See how nicely it fits on a Werner Compulsion Bent Shaft in the image below - thats a wide blade!).
The socks slip on fast and easy providing your paddle the protection it needs in transport or storage. They are also compact and lightweight.

Save your paddle the scratches and scars that are caused when you throw them in the back of your truck, trailer or car. And seeing the cost of some of those paddles we are buying are $100 to $450, it is worth investing a mere $18.95 (MSRP*) to add some protection for your valuable asset. Looking to protect your high-end 2 piece kayak paddle? Just buy two socks (one bag for each piece) and use the elastic cord to cinch the 2 parts together in their individual socks.
For more information, visit the Badger Paddle Sock website. Click here for the background story of why Mike came up with the idea for this new product and it's application.
Are you part of a Canoe, Kayak or Paddling Club? Are you part of the paddle sports industry? Screen your logo on the sock to resell or promote your club or business! Our socks are available to dealers and clubs with or without our logo screened onto each paddle sock. See an example of our logo as it appears on the socks in the image on left. Add your own logo with ours or just have your own! Contact us for details and a quote.
Gotta get yourself a Badger Paddle Sock... 'cause you know you dig your gear!