There truly are a great many of us who are devoted to our passion for paddling - and while some get recognized for it, others never really do.
Badger held a contest for people who love to paddle and who also enjoy expressing their devotion to paddling in writing. We called it Badger's HighWater Marks - A Who's Who of Devoted Paddlers Contest. There was an "exam" given and the results were.. well.. remarkably high!
And we found many people who aren't famous or known for their paddling adventures or exploits but who are just as devoted as those who are.....
Here is one of the winning entries* with a significantly HighWater Mark by Liz Clingman:
Note: Liz's entry was originally published on her Facebook profile via her "Notes" and is our second "FEATURED PADDLER". You can see that original entry here: Badger Paddles' High Water Marks Honour Roll. Liz is one of the few woman entries that we received yet there is no doubt that she is as devoted as it gets!!!
Badger's Who's Who Exam
Real Name:
Liz Clingman
Approximate Age:
Over the speed limit
1. # of Years Paddling: 17 years -
got good in a short amount of time!
2. How many boats in your fleet?
Current fleet 1 - a Swift Mattawa - saving for a Swift Mattawa in Kevlar Fusion
3. Oil verses Varnish? Do you have a preference? Why?
Oil it looks so much better and I think holds up better
4. Where do you paddle?
Anywhere I can - my favorites so far are Algonquin, French River, Boundry Waters
5. Are you, or have you ever been, part of the paddle sports industry professionally?
Volunteer for Cleveland Metro Parks Institute of the Great Outdoors (IGO)
"Odd mad out solos." |
6. Do you have a blog, facebook or twitter account where you advocate for the power of self-propusion? What is it? (link to your blog or website and it's title if public)
I am on Facebook and often advocate for IGO's canoe programs.
7. Favourite wood and paddle shape?
Walnut Badger Tail (your's look really good)
8. If you were a Badger WaterColours Paddle - what colour would you be? Anything goes here!
Purple to match my shoulders after portaging 9 miles (in a week). That is why I am dreamin' of the Kevlar Fusion!
9. Have you ever tipped your canoe & how did that happen?
Was getting in one chilly October morning. I stepped in and sat down and the next thing I knew I was under water. My partner that trip was one of the leaders and of course she had gotten in first. She was behind me when I got in so I don't know what she did to tip us?!? :)
"Part of that 9 miles!" |
10. What is your favorite wilderness tripping meal/paddling snack?
Quesadilla's (a Clarion River favorite) Snack = have to say pretzel to keep my canoe partner happy.
11. Do you solo?
Definitely even tried my hand at Freestyle. I am always the solo paddler when the paddler numbers are odd.
12. What’s the best advice you have to give to a beginner paddler?
Keep doing it
13. What 3 words best describes the way you feel about paddling or that inspire you the most to get out on the water, year after year??
Not at work
14. Where does your heart truly lie: Wooden/Canvas, Composite (i.e. Kevlar, Fibreglass etc.), Plastic or Aluminum?
Kevlar Fusion with Carbon Fusion gunwales!
15. Who took you out for your first time paddling and what was your age when your took your first adventure in a canoe/kayak?
My husband and I was 43.
16. Who was your best paddling partner or inspiration?
Paddling partner - Coleen (she told me I had to put her). Inspiration - Jeremy (although he tried to turn me to the dark side by putting me in a kayak).
"What keeps me coming back to the water." |
17. Do you know of or can you describe a canoe/paddling game?
Grab the duct tape - you try to yank the duct tape off the front of someone else's canoe while still protecting yours.
18. How tall are you and what length of paddle do you prefer?
5'7" (67") tall and 56" paddle
19. Have you ever tried Stand Up Paddling? (SUP)
Not yet
20. Do you have nicknames for your boat(s), paddle(s), and other gear? If so - what are they?
No, but have some for people I have paddled with.
*To see all the winners and more, please visit: Badger's Who's Who of Devoted Paddlers on the official Badger Paddles website. And don't forget to watch our Facebook page or Twitter feed for more contests and great giveaways from Badger...